This toolbox is developed in the framework of the “Ni-Ni / Yo-Yo: Youth Trajectories and Dilemma of Social Welfare Systems in South Europe”. The project has been implemented for 2 years by the partner organizations from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Turkey to increase awareness on the structural issues of the social welfare systems and the provide strategies to contribute to the efforts of NGOs to tackle with these issues. As a result, we have developed a research study involving over 1000 young people, implemented trainings for young people and youth workers in the field of human rights of youth and developed this handbook with a complementary documentary to show the issues of young people in the respective countries.

Name of the project, “Ni-Ni” comes from the translation of the term: Neither in Employment, Education nor in Training (NEET) and “Yo-Yo” comes from the unstandardized youth trajectories. Both youth trajectories are the most common youth trajectories in the respective countries involved in this project. In this handbook, you will have the detailed explanation of the overall activities, the research study and the theoretical framework that the project is built upon. We tried to address the challenges of the young people and their rights from the theoretical framework that we have developed as well as in light of the research study that we have implemented in the first stage of the project.

The toolbox constituted of 5 sections, explained below :

  • Social Welfare System For Young People: We have explained the implications of the social welfare systems upon the lives of young people from a theoretical perspectives while providing a road map to understand the citizenship, autonomy and welfare system triangle.
  • Southern Europe and Denied Youth Citizenship: We have developed the strategy paper on the southern Europe welfare systems by emphasizing the similarities that are found in the first output of this project ( Voices of Young People from Southern Europe Study).
  • Non-Formal Education Techniques to implement activities with Young People: This section constitutes the activities that took place during the implementation of the training activities took place in the course of the project.
  • Lobbying for Policy Change in the field of youth: This section constitutes the activities that took place during the implementation of the project targeting the policy makers and the decision-makers concerning the youth policies.
  • Best Practices in the Field of Youth for the inclusion: This section constitutes the best practices on the inclusion of young people in the framework of the youth work in Europe funded by the European Youth Programs specifically Erasmus+.

We hope that this toolbox helps the struggle of the young people and make their issues more visible in the communities of Southern Europe while increasing the capacities of youth workers.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.