Project Code2017-3-ES02-KA105-010597
Type of ActionMobility of Youth Workers 
Countries InvolvedES,IT,PT,RO,UK,EL,BE
Duration5 months 
Budget14.934,00 EUR 
Objectives Raising awareness among about the use of ICTs and social media as tool for job recruitment and promoting an aware, responsible use of them by young people in order to access to the European labour market
Exploring the concept of Digital Identity and Reputation and learning how to create and maintain a good digital reputation
Exploring and testing non formal education methodologies (digital mentoring) and other interactive, peer-to-peer tools to be used in youth work, adjusting them to young people specific needs and creating new one.
Target Group Youth Workers
Young People 
Summary of the Project 
The project addressed the difficulties young people faced when transitioning from education to employment, which were exacerbated by the economic crisis. It aimed to create strategies to streamline this transition, leveraging the widespread access to ICT tools and social media that young people had. Despite their familiarity with these digital platforms, many youths did not use them safely or responsibly, risking personal safety and damaging their online reputation by posting inappropriate content. This mismanagement often negatively impacted their job prospects.

As companies increasingly used social media and web platforms to find job candidates, many young people remained unaware of the importance of maintaining a positive online reputation, especially during job searches. The project sought to bridge this gap by equipping youth workers and leaders with the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance young people’s employability through the effective and responsible use of digital tools and social media.

The project’s objectives included raising awareness about the role of ICTs and social media in job recruitment, understanding and managing digital identity and reputation, and exploring non-formal education methodologies such as digital mentoring. The project involved  22 youth workers and leaders from seven countries. The course used non-formal education and hands-on learning methods to teach participants about digital reputation and equipped them with both technical and soft skills.

By the end of the training, participants had become proficient digital mentors, capable of guiding young people in building and maintaining a positive digital identity and using social media effectively for job hunting. They gained a range of skills, including coaching, counseling, and intercultural competence, and acted as multipliers by sharing their knowledge with other youth. The project’s dissemination activities, which included a dedicated website and booklet, supported its alignment with Erasmus+ and the 2020 EU Strategy objectives, promoting youth employability and digital skills development.
Results of the Project 
 As a result of the project, a website, booklet and MOOC was developed to increase the competences of the young people by developing their digital skills. The results can be reached out from here :
Significance of the Project 
This project directly links to labour market integration by addressing the challenges young people face when transitioning from education to employment in a digitalized economy. By focusing on the effective use of ICT tools and social media, the project aimed to enhance youths’ employability and facilitate their integration into the labour market. It provided youth workers and leaders with the skills to guide young individuals in managing their digital identities, which is increasingly critical as employers use online platforms to assess potential candidates. The training equipped participants with the ability to help young people navigate the digital landscape responsibly, thus improving their chances of securing employment in a competitive job market.The project’s relevance extends to digitalization and social rights by promoting equitable access to employment opportunities through digital means. By fostering digital skills and responsible online behavior, the project contributed to safeguarding youths’ social rights, ensuring they are not disadvantaged by a lack of digital literacy or poor online reputation. This approach supports the broader goal of social inclusion and equal opportunities, aligning with the EU’s objectives for enhancing employability and ensuring that digital advancements benefit all segments of society. Through effective youth work practices, the project advanced the integration of digital tools in career development, reinforcing the connection between digital competencies and social rights in the context of modern employment.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.