Within the project, we have developed two separate training activities for young people and youth workers to increase the capacities of young people and youth workers to make them able to implement the activities in their countries.

Within the Human Rights of Youth: Training for Young Peoplewe have implemented the training activity with an aim to engage in the capacity building of their peers and awareness raising while qualifying them with the skills to engage in research and awareness raising section of the activities within the project.

Within the Training of Trainers for Youth Workers, we have implemented to understand the issues that are faced by the young people to promote the project outputs as well as receive meaningful feedback for the implementation of the activities. 

You can find the Monitoring and Evaluation Report of Human Rights of Youth: Training for Young People to demonstrate the achievement of the training activity.

This educational resource was produced with the financial support of the European Union within Erasmus+ Programme. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Asociación Socio-Cultural VerdeSur Alcalá and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.