Within this project, we have focused on the young people living in the South Mediterranean countries of Turkey ( Portugal,Spain,Italy, Greece and Turkey ). However, they live in very distinct cultures and countries, their issues derive from the same structure : social welfare systems. During the project, to increase the capacity of the youth workers as well as the young people, we have implemented two training courses as well as developed online toolbox for the youth workers and young people to tackle with the issues and campaign towards change in the respective countries.

In this toolbox, this section explains the general framework of the theory and why we have chosen the respective countries to implement this research. In this section, the following aspects were worked on :

  • Who is young person? : In this section, you will find the information about the definition of youth, youth cultures and youth trajectories that are defined and used within the project.
  • Denied Youth Citizenship : In this section, you will find information about the definitions of youth citizenship and the terminology behind denied youth citizenship.
  • Welfare State : Rights, Participation and Autonomy : In this section, you will find information about the welfare state, its relation with social rights, participation and autonomy from theoretical point of view.

You can reach the related section by clicking on the link of the respective section name.

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