  • To make participants understand about the concepts of youth citizenship  
  • To make the participants aware about the issues from the social welfare perspective 
  • To make the participants develop solutions in policy level targeting the social welfare structures   
Duration and Planning
  • Input from facilitator : Youth Citizenship : 20 minutes 
  • Developing solutions on policy level : 40 minutes 
  • Revisiting the policy proposals : 30 minutes 
  • Flipchart 
  • Board Marker
  • Coloured Pens
Recommended Method

The facilitator provides the information on the concepts of the youth citizenship by dividing the 4 models defined by Chevalier ( please consult to Denied Citizenship Section ) : 

Enabling youth citizenship sees the young person as an individual and invest on the young people through their transition period.  

Second-class youth citizenship uses the individual social citizenship model though persists in the selective strategy for the labour market insertion of young people. 

Monitored youth citizenship focuses on the labour market insertion of market people through an encompassing strategy that considers the interplay between the state and family as welfare provider. 

Denied youth citizenship puts family to the main welfare provider and uses a selective labour market insertion.

Later on, the facilitator asks the participants to define the differences in the countries from their experiences in which areas concerning to the young people should be improved in each country by referring to the solutions that they have developed in the previous session. During this phase, the participants should answer the following questions ( this questions can be extended ) : 

  • How can we change the social welfare areas from denied to enabling? 
  • How can we change policies and which policies should change to increase the participation of young people to employment and education? 
  • Do you think the young people are autonomous? If yes, how? 

Afterwards, the participants develop their policy proposals for 45 minutes to tackle with the challenges of the social welfare systems. In that way, the participants will be able to address the challenges of the policy development process and during this phase, they should as well address the development of the advocacy section in the previous day and in the morning. 

In the end of the session, the debriefing questions should be deepened with the sessions from yesterday and today : 

  • How hard was thinking about the advocacy? Do you think that you can manage the actions that you have planned? 
  • Does the solutions and policy proposals that you have developed is feasible? 
  • Was it easy to find out the solutions in different country levels? 
  • Was it easy to manage the differences between the countries? 
  • What was the most problematic issue? 
  • What relationships can you build during the advocacy and strategy implementation? 
  • Can the policy change be happening in the participating countries? 

Additional Information and Readings

Chevalier, T. (2016). Varieties of youth welfare citizenship: Towards a two-dimension typology. Journal of European Social Policy, 26(1), 3-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/0958928715621710

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.