  • To make participants familiar about the right to education in the context of their countries 
  • To increase the understanding of the impact of education on the employment 
  • To raise awareness of participants about the education and social justice 
  • To raise awareness on the impact of education on autonomy and participation 
Duration and Planning 
  • 15 minutes : “What does education means for you? 
  • 60 minutes : Education is solely the school?  
  • 15 minutes : Analysing the education systems   
  • Case Cards 
  • A4 Papers 
  • Pens
  • Flipchart Papers
  • Beamer 
Recommended Method

Participants are presented with a video “What does education mean for you?” prepared by UNICEF. The trainer starts to discussion about the importance of education afterwards and the right to education is a human right. Discussion is pursued on the importance of education and its relation to social rights. That discussion starts to make participants understand the relation of the education and make the participants understand the needs of education and the impact of the education on the life of young people. 

“Education solely the school”

Later on, the participants are asked to be divided into the 5 separate groups and make a list of expenses for the young people living in the separate countries and calculate these expenses. The reason behind implementation of this is to make the young people understand the access to education as social justice issue and reflecting the inequalities within the education system. 

For that, the participants should use the case cards. During this process, they will in international groups so that, the young people from different countries can interact and give feedbacks about the process while learning about the life in the other country.  During this process, the participants are requested not to think only the expenses of the education institutions but the overall costs of the education to the young individual. In that phase, the facilitator should check the participants consecutively to understand the needs of a student in the country rather than focusing that what is not free or free within the education system. 

After the presentation of the cases ( consult the case cards ) and the analysis that the participants, did the facilitator asks the question the following questions for the debriefing phase to initiate a discussion between the participants :  

  • Have you ever thought about these expenses before? 
  • Have you thought how the selective education system is? 
  • How can you give us ways to overcome the challenges that you see in the education systems? 
  • Are the measures taken in the country of the case provides a social justice to access to education? If yes, how? If not, why? 

In the last phase, the participants with the lead of the trainers, will analyse the overall process about the scholarships, the social justice issues that are already problematic in the countries and the lack of autonomy of the young people. 

Case Cards  
Ahmet is going to a high school in Turkey. He has 3 sisters and 2 brothers and he is the older child of the family. Only father in the family works and tries to provide for everyone. He plans to go to university, but he is not sure how he can manage in university. 
Lucia is a university student in Italy. She is trying to graduate from the university but she is from the South of Italy and studying in the North of Italy. She does not have means to cover her expenses and works every day. 
José is studying in a vocational school and he is from the rural area of Spain. He has to travel every day for 1 hour to go to school because there is no place for him to gain skills to work in his dad’s farm. He wants to be a photographer, but his father insists that he has to be a farmer. 
Despina is a student in middle school in Greece and going to try to enter the university. She is from a small town of Greece and she has no prospects because she believes that the education in the middle school does not prepare her to the national exam. 
Tiago is coming from a rich family, who has money to pay for his university and his expenses. But his parents want to give the business that they have to Tiago and they want him to study business management. But he wants to be a teacher.
Additional Information & Readings 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un5msddQl6U&t=18s – What does education mean for you? 

The facilitator should check the policy reviews of the IO1 of the project to understand the issues in the educational justice issues. 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.